Veli-Pekka Teräs (‘steel’ in English) was born into a family whose surname might be considered a premonition by superstitious people. And so it happened that Teräs ended up working on metal and steel.
Teräs, who started at Nordautomation as a engineering manager in February 2022, graduated from Satakunta University of Applied Sciences’ Engineering Department in 2003 as a mechanical engineer.
During his studies, he started a varied career, which has taken him to the helm of a family business, from Kristiinankaupunki via Pori to Kauhajoki and back.
“During my studies, I lived in Pori for three years and then moved to Kauhajoki to work. I am originally from Kristiinankaupunki and, with my family, we enjoy it here. When I saw that Nordautomation had an interesting and challenging job opportunity, I knew right away that I had to apply for it.”
After his studies, Veli-Pekka first worked at Vesme Systems Oy as a designer and project manager for a total of around four years. In 2006, he joined the family business Tefoma Oy, founded by his parents and, with a generational change, he took the helm of the company in 2014.
As an entrepreneur, his main business area was the installation and maintenance of forestry machinery and the equipping and building of the machines. On the side, he also did some design work.
“I’ve now been at Nordautomation for three weeks. I’m slowly starting to understand what is expected of me and what my most important duties are. Knowledge of the technology helps with familiarisation. I have been involved in so many fields of technology as I grew up into this world at home as a little boy.”
Veli-Pekka expects to experience a varied and long journey with Nordautomation.
There’s a great team here and all the members are great professionals, so it’s easy to me to get going from such a foundation. As a design manager, I strive to make the most of each designer’s own personal strengths in each project.
“I see all this as a great and exciting challenge.”