
Our values, Code of Conduct and related Addtech Group policies, and selected acknowledged initiatives and principles create the foundation for sustainable performance at Nordautomation.

Sustainability agenda focuses on three core areas

1. Business ethics

We want to be a reliable and long-term partner for our customers, suppliers and other partners. We conduct honest and open business in compliance with laws, rules and ethical principles in all our operations. We choose as our partners those who follow the same principles. We do not accept corruption or unfair competition and we respect the integrity of the assets of other companies.

2. Responsibility as a workplace

We constantly maintain and develop the safety of our work environment. We respect the fundamental rights of our employees and support their well-being and personal development. We do not allow any form of discrimination or harassment. Our terms of employment are fair and meet the requirements of legislation and the collective agreement.

3. Environment

We actively seek to minimize the direct and indirect environmental impacts of our operations. We take the environmental perspective into account in our important decisions so that we can create long-term added value for customers, employees, shareholders and society in general.


We maintain a transparent business climate and high standard of business ethics. We value the safety and respect of everyone affected by our business. You have a vital role in our success.

Addtech Group’s whistleblowing service provides an opportunity to report suspicions of misconduct; anything that is not in line with our values and policies.

You can find more information and the Whistleblowing service from here.